Удаленная сборка PascalABC.NET через GitHub Actions

Я пока не понимаю почему это происходит, но у меня есть некоторые основания считать, что даже после недавнего исправления в Testing.cs метода assert (добавления туда вызовов Trace.Assert вместо Debug.Assert – для работы в Release-режиме), эта функция по-прежнему не работает, как ожидается. Иначе разработчики должны были бы у себя локально видеть те же ошибки, что и я удаленно.

Могу судить о происходящем только по перехваченному логу консоли после окончания работы задачи в докер-образе, запускаемом через GitHub Actions. Ранее, на последнем этапе работы (блок тестов #6), TestRunner у меня после сборки проекта в Debug-режиме там “зависал”, точнее, генерил какое-то графическое окно с ошибкой, которое я не мог ни увидеть, ни сбросить скриптом. Я предположил, что это срабатывал assert() в Testing.cs, поэтому временно заменил в нем все вызовы системных Assert() на банальный Console.Error.WriteLine(), а также добавил аналогичную строчку в начало метода TestIntellisense() для вывода имен всех обрабатываемых файлов (см. приложение). И вот что я увидел после прогона:

Tests with pabcrtl run successfully
Intellisense expression tests run successfully
Processing: abstract1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: abstract1.pas, should: class t3, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: abstract1.pas, should: abstract class t5, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: abstract1.pas, should: class t6, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: abstract1.pas, should: abstract class t7, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: abstract1.pas, should: abstract class t2, is: 
Processing: arrays6.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: arrays6.pas, should: var a4: array[1..3,1..2] of integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: arrays6.pas, should: var b1: set of byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: arrays6.pas, should: var b4: array[1..3] of set of char;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: arrays6.pas, should: procedure Nested();, is: 
Processing: assign_tuple.pas
Processing: attributes1.pas
Processing: autoclass1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: autoclass1.pas, should: property class.b: integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: autoclass1.pas, should: property class.b: integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: autoclass1.pas, should: var x2: class;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: autoclass1.pas, should: property class.x: MyClass;, is: 
Processing: autoclass2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: autoclass2.pas, should: var t1.i: integer;, is: 
Processing: autoclass3.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: autoclass3.pas, should: property class.x: integer;, is: 
Processing: class1.pas
Processing: class2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: class2.pas, should: var t1.i: integer;, is: 
Processing: class3.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: class3.pas, should: var a: integer;, is: 
Processing: class4.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: class4.pas, should: procedure T.p(a: integer);, is: 
Processing: classpredef1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: classpredef1.pas, should: class t1, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: classpredef1.pas, should: var t1.a: integer;, is: 
Processing: classpredef2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: classpredef2.pas, should: abstract class t1, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: classpredef2.pas, should: sealed class t2, is: 
Processing: comment1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: comment1.pas, should: type T1 = procedure, is: 
Processing: const1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: const1.pas, should: const h: integer = Round(1.3);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: const1.pas, should: const l: integer = 1;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: const1.pas, should: const l: integer = 1;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: const1.pas, should: const r: real = sin(2);, is: 
Processing: constr1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: constr1.pas, should: constructor t1();, is: 
Processing: constr2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: constr2.pas, should: static constructor t1();, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: constr2.pas, should: constructor t1();, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: constr2.pas, should: constructor t1(i: integer);, is: 
Processing: constr3.pas
Processing: construnit1.pas
Processing: copy1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: copy1.pas, should: var a2: array of byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: copy1.pas, should: var b1: array[,] of byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: copy1.pas, should: var s: string;, is: 
Processing: create1.pas
Processing: defaultparameter1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: defaultparameter1.pas, should: procedure Test(a: string:='abc');, is: procedure Test(a: integer:=1);
***ASSERT FAILURE: defaultparameter1.pas, should: procedure Test(a: Object:=nil);, is: procedure Test(a: integer:=1);
***ASSERT FAILURE: defaultparameter1.pas, should: procedure Test(a: real:=sin(2));, is: procedure Test(a: integer:=1);
***ASSERT FAILURE: defaultparameter1.pas, should: function Test2(a: integer:=1): integer;, is: procedure Test(a: integer:=1);
***ASSERT FAILURE: defaultparameter1.pas, should: function Test2(a: string:='abc'): string;, is: procedure Test(a: integer:=1);
***ASSERT FAILURE: defaultparameter1.pas, should: function Test2(a: Object:=nil): integer;, is: procedure Test(a: integer:=1);
***ASSERT FAILURE: defaultparameter1.pas, should: function Test2(a: real:=sin(2)): integer;, is: procedure Test(a: integer:=1);
Processing: delegates1.pas
Processing: delegates2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: delegates2.pas, should: function Delegate.DynamicInvoke(params args: array of Object): System.Object;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: delegates2.pas, should: function Invoke(): byte; virtual;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: delegates2.pas, should: function Delegate.DynamicInvoke(params args: array of System.Object): System.Object;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: delegates2.pas, should: function Func<>.Invoke(): byte; virtual;, is: 
Processing: delegates3.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: delegates3.pas, should: function BeginInvoke(callback: AsyncCallback; object: Object): IAsyncResult; virtual;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: delegates3.pas, should: procedure EndInvoke(result: IAsyncResult); virtual;, is: 
Processing: delegates4.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: delegates4.pas, should: var p: T;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: delegates4.pas, should: procedure Action<>.Invoke(obj: byte); virtual;, is: 
Processing: dict1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: dict1.pas, should: var a: (cardinal,cardinal);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: dict1.pas, should: var l: List<integer>;, is: 
Processing: divrem.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: divrem.pas, should: static function Math.DivRem(a: int64; b: int64; var result: int64): int64;, is: static function Math.DivRem(a: integer; b: integer; var result: integer): integer;
***ASSERT FAILURE: divrem.pas, should: function mydivrem(a: int64; b: int64; var r: int64): int64;, is: function mydivrem(a: integer; b: integer; var r: integer): integer;
Processing: dotdot1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: dotdot1.pas, should: var s: IntRange;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: dotdot1.pas, should: var s2: CharRange;, is: 
Processing: dotquestion1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: dotquestion1.pas, should: var x1: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: dotquestion1.pas, should: var x3: integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: dotquestion1.pas, should: function TClass.F(): integer;, is: 
Processing: enum1.pas
Processing: extensionmethods1.pas
Processing: extensionmethods10.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods10.pas, should: (расширение file of T) function PABCExtensions.Read<T>(): T;, is: 
Processing: extensionmethods11.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods11.pas, should: (расширение sequence of T) function Count<integer>(predicate: integer->boolean): integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods11.pas, should: property List<>.Count: integer; virtual; readonly;, is: 
Processing: extensionmethods2.pas
Processing: extensionmethods3.pas
Processing: extensionmethods4.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods4.pas, should: var r: real;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods4.pas, should: (расширение sequence of T) function Sum(): real;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods4.pas, should: var i: integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods4.pas, should: (расширение sequence of T) function Sum(): integer;, is: 
Processing: extensionmethods5.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods5.pas, should: (расширение) procedure TClass2.Test();, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods5.pas, should: (расширение) procedure TClass2.Test();, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods5.pas, should: (расширение) function TClass2.Test3(): integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods5.pas, should: (расширение) procedure myarr.MyProc();, is: 
Processing: extensionmethods6.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods6.pas, should: (расширение) procedure t1<T>.p1();, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods6.pas, should: (расширение) procedure t1<T>.p1();, is: 
Processing: extensionmethods7.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods7.pas, should: var seq1: sequence of integer;, is: 
Processing: extensionmethods8.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods8.pas, should: function string.Replace(oldChar: char; newChar: char): string;, is: 
Processing: extensionmethods9.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods9.pas, should: (расширение) function char.IsDigit(): boolean;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: extensionmethods9.pas, should: (расширение sequence of T) function Reverse<byte>(): sequence of byte;, is: 
Processing: foreach1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: foreach1.pas, should: var b: real;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: foreach1.pas, should: var i: integer;, is: 
Processing: foreach2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: foreach2.pas, should: var o: real;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: foreach2.pas, should: var o: Object;, is: 
Processing: foreach3.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: foreach3.pas, should: var c: char;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: foreach3.pas, should: var o: array of real;, is: 
Processing: foreach4.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: foreach4.pas, should: var el: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: foreach4.pas, should: var el: byte;, is: 
Processing: foreach5.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: foreach5.pas, should: var item: procedure;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: foreach5.pas, should: var item: procedure(x: byte);, is: 
Processing: formatstr1.pas
Processing: function1.pas
Processing: function2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: function2.pas, should: var a: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: function2.pas, should: var a2: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: function2.pas, should: var a3: function(b: byte): byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: function2.pas, should: var a4: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: function2.pas, should: var a5: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: function2.pas, should: var a6: byte;, is: 
Processing: function3.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: function3.pas, should: var b: array of byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: function3.pas, should: var c: char;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: function3.pas, should: var i: integer;, is: 
Processing: function4.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: function4.pas, should: procedure p1(i: integer; b: byte:=1);, is: procedure p1(s1: string; s2: string; s3: string);
***ASSERT FAILURE: function4.pas, should: procedure p1(s: string);, is: procedure p1(s1: string; s2: string; s3: string);
***ASSERT FAILURE: function4.pas, should: procedure p1(params a: array of string);, is: procedure p1(s1: string; s2: string; s3: string);
***ASSERT FAILURE: function4.pas, should: procedure p1(b1: boolean; b2: boolean; params a: array of integer);, is: procedure p1(s1: string; s2: string; s3: string);
***ASSERT FAILURE: function4.pas, should: procedure p1(b1: boolean; b2: boolean; params a: array of integer);, is: procedure p1(s1: string; s2: string; s3: string);
***ASSERT FAILURE: function4.pas, should: procedure p1(b1: boolean; params a: array of integer);, is: procedure p1(s1: string; s2: string; s3: string);
***ASSERT FAILURE: function4.pas, should: procedure p1(b1: boolean; params a: array of integer);, is: procedure p1(s1: string; s2: string; s3: string);
***ASSERT FAILURE: function4.pas, should: procedure p1(b1: boolean; params a: array of real);, is: procedure p1(s1: string; s2: string; s3: string);
Processing: function5.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: function5.pas, should: static procedure T.A();, is: 
Processing: generics1.pas
Processing: generics10.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics10.pas, should: var t1<>.b: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics10.pas, should: var t1<>.c: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics10.pas, should: var t1<>.b: byte;, is: 
Processing: generics11.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics11.pas, should: var o: List<List<byte>>;, is: 
Processing: generics12.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics12.pas, should: var o: array of array of byte;, is: 
Processing: generics13.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics13.pas, should: var pa2: (procedure,procedure);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics13.pas, should: var pa3: (byte,procedure);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics13.pas, should: var pb2: (TProcedure,TProcedure);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics13.pas, should: var pb3: (byte,TProcedure);, is: 
Processing: generics14.pas
Processing: generics15.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics15.pas, should: var x: TA<Nullable<byte>>;, is: 
Processing: generics16.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics16.pas, should: class TClass, is: 
Processing: generics17.pas
Processing: generics18.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics18.pas, should: var f: function(x: integer): integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics18.pas, should: var ff: List<function(x: integer): integer>;, is: 
Processing: generics19.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics19.pas, should: class TClass<T>, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics19.pas, should: class TClass2<T1,T2>, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics19.pas, should: interface ICloneable<T>, is: interface System.ICloneable
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics19.pas, should: interface ICloneable<T>, is: interface System.ICloneable
Processing: generics2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics2.pas, should: var a: (byte,word,single);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics2.pas, should: var b: function(a: byte): (byte,word,single);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics2.pas, should: var c: (byte,word,single);, is: 
Processing: generics20.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics20.pas, should: var s: HashSet<integer>;, is: 
Processing: generics21.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics21.pas, should: var d: Dictionary<integer, integer>;, is: 
Processing: generics3.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics3.pas, should: var a: (byte,word,single);, is: 
Processing: generics4.pas
Processing: generics5.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics5.pas, should: var a: (IEnumerable<byte>,IEnumerable<word>);, is: 
Processing: generics6.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics6.pas, should: procedure t1<>.p1(); virtual;, is: 
Processing: generics7.pas
Processing: generics8.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics8.pas, should: var V: MyType<Nullable<integer>>;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics8.pas, should: var l: List<Nullable<integer>>;, is: 
Processing: generics9.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics9.pas, should: var a2: sequence of t1;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: generics9.pas, should: var a3: sequence of List<t1>;, is: 
Processing: indexer1.pas
Processing: indexer2.pas
Processing: inherited1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: inherited1.pas, should: procedure t1.p1(); virtual;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: inherited1.pas, should: procedure t2.p1(); override;, is: 
Processing: invoke.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: invoke.pas, should: function ConstructorInfo.Invoke(parameters: array of Object): System.Object;, is: 
Processing: is1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: is1.pas, should: var b: boolean;, is: 
Processing: ispattern1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: ispattern1.pas, should: var o_t1: t1;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: ispattern1.pas, should: var o_t1: t1;, is: 
Processing: ispattern2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: ispattern2.pas, should: var _o2: Object;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: ispattern2.pas, should: var _o1: Object;, is: 
Processing: ispattern3.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: ispattern3.pas, should: var b: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: ispattern3.pas, should: var b: byte;, is: 
Processing: ispattern4.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: ispattern4.pas, should: var b: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: ispattern4.pas, should: var b: byte;, is: 
Processing: ispattern5.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: ispattern5.pas, should: var i: integer;, is: 
Processing: lambdas1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: string;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: string;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: Complex;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: Complex;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: Complex;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter y: real;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: Complex;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: Complex;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: string;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: real;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter x: integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter e: EventArgs;, is: const E: real = 2.71828182845905;
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter w: string;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas1.pas, should: parameter s: string;, is: 
Processing: lambdas10.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas10.pas, should: var a: array of integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas10.pas, should: var a2: array of real;, is: 
Processing: lambdas2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas2.pas, should: var thr: Thread;, is: 
Processing: lambdas3.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas3.pas, should: parameter i: integer;, is: 
Processing: lambdas4.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas4.pas, should: parameter a: byte;, is: 
Processing: lambdas5.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas5.pas, should: var temp: byte;, is: 
Processing: lambdas6.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas6.pas, should: var Result: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas6.pas, should: var Result: string;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas6.pas, should: var Result: TRec;, is: 
Processing: lambdas7.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas7.pas, should: var b: byte;, is: 
Processing: lambdas8.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas8.pas, should: parameter b1: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas8.pas, should: parameter b2: byte;, is: 
Processing: lambdas9.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: lambdas9.pas, should: var Result: Object;, is: 
Processing: match1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: match1.pas, should: var c: Circle;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: match1.pas, should: var r: Rectangle;, is: 
Processing: match2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: match2.pas, should: var name: string;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: match2.pas, should: var age: integer;, is: 
Processing: multiarray1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: multiarray1.pas, should: var t1.i: integer;, is: 
Processing: new1.pas
Processing: operators1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: operators1.pas, should: var c: t2;, is: 
Processing: operators2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: operators2.pas, should: var c: t1;, is: 
Processing: PABCExtensions.pas
Processing: PABCSystem.pas
Processing: params1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: params1.pas, should: var a: sequence of IEnumerable<integer>;, is: 
Processing: predicate1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: predicate1.pas, should: var a: byte->boolean;, is: 
Processing: preprocessor1.pas
Processing: procimplunit.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: procimplunit.pas, should: procedure procimplunit.p1(b: byte);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: procimplunit.pas, should: function procimplunit.f1(i: integer): integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: procimplunit.pas, should: function procimplunit.f2(i: integer): integer;, is: 
Processing: program1.pas
Processing: property1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: property1.pas, should: var t1.f1: byte;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: property1.pas, should: property t1.p2: word; readonly;, is: 
Processing: property2.pas
Processing: property3.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: property3.pas, should: class T2, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: property3.pas, should: class T2, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: property3.pas, should: parameter i: T2;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: property3.pas, should: parameter j: integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: property3.pas, should: parameter z: T2;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: property3.pas, should: property T.X5[List<integer>]: T2; readonly;, is: 
Processing: property4.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: property4.pas, should: t1[string] : integer, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: property4.pas, should: this[string] : integer, is: 
Processing: property5.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: property5.pas, should: var x: sequence of integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: property5.pas, should: (расширение sequence of T) function Average(): real;, is: 
Processing: question2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: question2.pas, should: constructor t1(i: byte);, is: 
Processing: question3.pas
Processing: set1.pas
Processing: shortfunc1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: shortfunc1.pas, should: var r: real;, is: 
Processing: shortfunc2.pas
Processing: sliceexpr1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: sliceexpr1.pas, should: property Array.Length: integer; readonly;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: sliceexpr1.pas, should: property Array.Length: integer; readonly;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: sliceexpr1.pas, should: property Array.Length: integer; readonly;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: sliceexpr1.pas, should: property Array.Length: integer; readonly;, is: 
Processing: staticclass1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: staticclass1.pas, should: static class TClass, is: 
Processing: staticmethod1.pas
Processing: stringconst1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: stringconst1.pas, should: const s3: string = 'abcdef';, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: stringconst1.pas, should: const s4: string = 'abcd';, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: stringconst1.pas, should: const s5: string = 'abc6';, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: stringconst1.pas, should: const s6: string = 'abc6';, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: stringconst1.pas, should: const s7: string = 'abcdefgh';, is: 
Processing: tuple1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple1.pas, should: property Tuple<>.Item2: real; readonly;, is: 
Processing: tuple2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple2.pas, should: var b: byte;, is: 
Processing: tuple3.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple3.pas, should: var a: r1<real,string>;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple3.pas, should: var s: string;, is: 
Processing: tuple4.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple4.pas, should: var t: (integer,real,set of integer);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple4.pas, should: var s: set of integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple4.pas, should: property Tuple<>.Item3: set of integer; readonly;, is: 
Processing: tuple5.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple5.pas, should: var x: (integer,List<byte>);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple5.pas, should: var y: (integer,TClass);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple5.pas, should: property Tuple<>.Item2: TClass; readonly;, is: 
Processing: tuple6.pas
Processing: tuple7.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple7.pas, should: var s: string;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: tuple7.pas, should: function real.ToString(): string; virtual;, is: 
Processing: typededuction1.pas
Processing: types1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: type myint = integer, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: type myptr = ^real, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: type mylst = List<integer>, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: type mylst2 = List<integer>, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: type myset = set of char, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: type myarr = array of (integer,integer), is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: type myarr2 = array[,] of List<string>, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: procedure List<>.Add(item: integer);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: var el: char;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: var el: integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: var el: (integer,integer);, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: var r: real;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: var ptr2: ^myint;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types1.pas, should: var i2: myint;, is: 
Processing: types2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T1 = set of procedure, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T2 = set of function: byte, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T7 = sequence of procedure, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T8 = sequence of function: byte, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T9 = array of procedure, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T10 = array of function: byte, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T3 = file of integer, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T4 = array[1..5] of procedure, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: class T5, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: record T6, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T11 = List<integer>, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T12 = T5, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T13 = 1..10, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: types2.pas, should: type T14 = sequence of Tuple<procedure,procedure>, is: 
Processing: unit1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: unit1.pas, should: var t1.i: integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: unit1.pas, should: var j: integer;, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: unit1.pas, should: var k: integer;, is: 
Processing: uses1.pas
Processing: uses2.pas
Processing: usesconstr1.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: usesconstr1.pas, should: constructor t2();, is: 
Processing: variable.pas
Processing: var_predef.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: var_predef.pas, should: var TClass.a: integer;, is: 
Processing: where1.pas
Processing: where2.pas
***ASSERT FAILURE: where2.pas, should: procedure I1.p1();, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: where2.pas, should: procedure I2.p2();, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: where2.pas, should: procedure I1.p1();, is: 
***ASSERT FAILURE: where2.pas, should: procedure I2.p2();, is: 
Intellisense tests run successfully

@Admin Можете временно заменить свой файл CodeCompletion\Testing.cs на мою модификацию и проверить сборку с ним у себя локально? Есть ли ошибки?

Testing.cs (50.5 КБ)

1 лайк

Я уже писал об этой ошибке, когда она появилась, вот как без замены на Console.Error.WriteLine() выглядит:

(справа сверху на цитате кнопка развернуть)

Нет, тесты проходят